Saturday, July 02, 2005

Riding Lesson 6

I got to ride Kaibab again today, and next week, Anna says I get the reins. Finally! :)


Pia was back this week, and hard at work ridding the stables of whatever lurks down those holes.


Today I got to stand up a lot... it's a lot harder than it looks. Balancing when you have a moving horse between your legs is not easy.


Kaibab was not too happy with all the trotting today. He eventually decided to go for a little canter instead. Anna complimented me afterwards for having a good seat. Apparently, I hung on well. :)



At 2:33 PM, Blogger Zinnia said...

Hi Tam! great blog. :) I am so pleased to have found it. I will follow your progress faithfully. Happy trails!

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Tam said...

Glad you enjoy it. :)

I only get to ride once a week, but I'm thinking I should probably post about twice a week, as I can learn quite a lot that takes a while to sink in.

Writing about the things I remember will probably help me remember them by the next lesson... and there is a lot to remember.

This last lesson, I was thinking how silly it was to remind someone to breath, until I realized I was holding my breath when I asked Kaibab to stop... gotta add "remember to breath" to the list of things I should remember... It seems so simple 'till you try to do it all at once.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Zinnia said...

yeah I know. Pat your head, rub your tummy, post, breathe, heels down, thumbs up, look up, breathe...

You will love having this journal as time goes on. It is so rewarding to look back and see the progress.


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